Labor Bulletin History
The Sacramento Valley Union Labor Bulletin, owned by the Sacramento Central Labor Council and the Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council, is a publication that has a significant place in Labor’s history.
The nonprofit newspaper was the first labor-owned and labor-controlled newspaper in the history of Sacramento. It first published on Sept. 3, 1928 – Labor Day – and remains the only official AFL-CIO newspaper in the Sacramento area.
In 1928, the mission of the Labor Bulletin was clear:
“… prevent the further exploitation of friendly business and civic interests by alleged publicity agents purporting to represent organized labor. The Union Labor Bulletin is rigidly pledged to the sane platform of the American Federation of Labor and to the perpetuation of those local policies which have made relations so harmonious between all citizens who are striving for the betterment of and growth of the community.”
Today, the Labor Bulletin remains committed to providing news from within the labor community, informing workers and their families of the efforts unions are making and accomplishing on their behalf, and inspiring and engaging readers.
Labor Bulletin Editorial Staff
Editors have included Charles W. Lyons (1928-1933), J. L. R. Marsh (1933-1938), Rolla R. Roberts andWalter J. Moran (1938-1945), W.A. “Jimmie” Hicks (1945-1954; also a Sacramento mayor), Richard Marriott (1954-1975), Tom Kenny (1975-1984), Judy Maffei (1984-1985; Maffei also served as office manager for 18 years), Rita Bekowitz (1985-2011), Niesha Lofing (2012-2013), Anita Chabria (2014-2016), and Gina Quinn (2016-present).
Board of Publishers
The Board of Publishers is the governing body of the Labor Bulletin and is comprised of members from each council and one at-large member appointed by the majority vote of the board for a three-year term. The executive secretaries of the Sacramento Central Labor Council and the Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council also are members of the board by virtue of their elected/appointed positions.
The Board of Publishers currently includes: Fabrizio Sasso, Dick Mayberry, Marty Zimmerman (Sacramento Central Labor Council); Kevin Ferreira, Karl Pineo, Randy Rojas (Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council); Mat Cusick (Community Services); Martha Penry and Robert Blunt (At-Large).
The Labor Bulletin (ISSN 00362247) is distributed through the United States Postal Service. Subscriptions are available on an individual or group basis. An individual subscription is $30 per year. Group rates are available to trade union organizations, $18.00 per year/member ($1.50 per issue/member) for 10 or more subscriptions. To subscribe, e-mail the Labor Bulletin office at laborbulletin@gmail.com or call us at (916) 646-4007.