Subscriptions & Advertising
The Labor Bulletin (ISSN 00362247) is distributed through the United States Postal Service. Subscriptions are available on an individual or group basis. An individual subscription is $20 per year. Group rates are available to trade union organizations, $18.00 per year/member (1.50 per issue/member) for 10 or more subscriptions.
To subscribe, e-mail the Labor Bulletin office at or call us at (916) 761-4256.
It’s never been a better time to advertise in the Sacramento Valley Union Labor Bulletin. This monthly newspaper goes directly to union and community members’ homes, which can mean increased customers frequenting your business.
To advertise
Please call the Labor Bulletin office to inquire about advertising in the upcoming editions. We’d love to talk to you about what the Labor Bulletin can offer.
Call Sunnie Rose,, 661-496-6022.
Advertising rates
Download the rate sheet
Ad Sizes
Full page 10.25″w x 14″t
1/2 page (Horizontal) 10.25″w x 6.9″t
1/2 page (Vertical) 5.04″w x 14″t
1/4 page 5.04″w x 6.9″t
1/8 page 5.04″w x 3.35″t
Ad Design
Camera-ready copy (ads that are typeset, sized according to specifications and saved as a PDF with fonts embedded) are preferred. However, if you would like to place an ad and need one created, the Labor Bulletin office can provide that service for a minimum charge of $65 per hour. Estimates are available.
Ad reservations are due the first working day of each month. Ad copy is due by noon Monday 10 days before publication, earlier if possible.