Sacramento Valley Union Labor Bulletin

Owned and Published by the Sacramento Central Labor Council and the Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council, official councils of the AFL-CIO


Labor kicks off holiday drive to help union families

By Sheri Williams

With the holiday season quickly approaching, the Sacramento Central Labor Council and its union affiliates are once again kicking off two programs to help communities and families.

For the past 50 years, the Sacramento Central Labor Council has hosted a Christmas party for children with disabilities at the Ralph Richardson school in Carmichael.

“This is one of my favorite events of the year,” said SCLC executive director Fabrizio Sasso. “This is the best of what our union family is about, helping those in need.”

For many years, the party has begun with Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving on a fire truck from the Sacramento Metro Fire District. Retired Sheet Metal 104 member Randy Young takes on the role of Santa, while Patty Patterson, a retired member of OPEIU Local 29, dons the Mrs. Claus costume.

About 85 children are expected to participate this year, each receiving gifts purchased through the generosity of donations.

The second program that SCLC is kicking off is Operation Christmas Basket, in partnership with IBEW Local 340. This program raises funds to provide gifts, a holiday meal and other support to union families that are in need. Operation Christmas Basket has been ongoing for more than 40 years. Last year more than 150 union members and their families were helped, including toys for more than 350 children.

Both programs depend on the generosity of our union members.

Those who wish to donate to either Operation Christmas Basket or the Ralph Richardson event can send checks to the Sacramento Central Labor Council (2617 K Street, Suite 175, Sacramento, CA 95816). Please put a notation on the check for which program the donation is for.

IBEW Local 340 is also selling raffle tickets for $1.00 each or $10.00 for a book of 10 tickets to support Operation Christmas Basket. Those can also be purchased by mailing a check to the Sacramento Central Labor Council.

If a union would like to submit a member’s name to receive a food/toy basket from Operation Christmas Basket, they can email There is a limit of 10 families per union.